November 13, 2012


Took a break from my physics homework to draw these awkward creatures

Most awkward of all is the teenage ginger, of course

November 08, 2012


This is very special to me because it was the final project for my first CSE class ever!  And I worked so hard on this!  Because no Photoshop allowed, just good ol' Jython (it's a mix between Java and Python.. yeah I think it sounds silly too).  There's code to pixelate the image at the beginning and the end, code to make Mario move across the screen and jump, code to make the stars come out, even code to make the box on the right constantly change color.  Even though this was hard work, it was so fun.  I only wish I had saved the code to make this, it's a fun read.

November 05, 2012


Birthday present for my dear friend Jackie!  She's one of the few people in the world who understands my obsession with drawing dinosaurs.  I'm the one with glasses, she's the one with boxing gloves.  It's a sweet little inside joke between us that I'm sharing now

Totally Awesomesauce

My brother drew these and I think they deserve to be on the interwebs.

Angry Dolphin Dude. September 2012

Darth Vader Roasting Marshmallows with Lightsaber. September 2012

This is more of an example of the art I'm doing now.  Brighter, more cheerful, more happy faces.  This is a mural in my apartment room since I had a long stretch of blank space and naturally I had to cover it up.  Yes, I live in the attic and it's the coolest room ever.

Close-up of the city.  I had grandiose plans of constructing a godzilla trying to tear down my city but unfortunately I didn't have the time/paper to do it.  I do have a Thor though, he says hello.

Moving along the mural, here's a hillside with kite and birds!

My favorite part of the mural, just because it's the most cheerful part.  Mr. Whale and his two fish buddies enjoying the blue waters and orange clouds.  

This entire project is supposed to be highly customizable, as each separate object can be modified or removed relatively easily.  I had plans to put a lot more personality into this.  The city was supposed to have street lights and a godzilla as I mentioned earlier, I was going to change the colors of the trees for fall in my hill landscape and put in Momma bear and a few baby bears, and the mountain was supposed to have a mountain climber or a goat or something.  But, life gets in the way of life, so this is all I got.

My Little Horsey

This is called Horsey!  I made this in the 8th grade.  No idea what year, 2004?  Charcoal pencil

November 04, 2012

Pastel drawings of pretty things!

I have creatively dubbed this one "Flower".  Chalk pastels, from a few years ago, I'd say 2008?  So messy!  I had a white macbook at the time, and chalk dust eventually permeated the entire thing, no matter how careful I tried to be.  I guess I subconsciously tried to clean my mac by knocking lemonade over it, but that only succeeded in killing it forever :(

Equally creative title, "Sunset".  Also with chalk pastels, equally as messy.  Stupid flash from the camera makes the right side of the picture look weird.  I apologize for the suboptimal viewing quality.  Also from a few years ago, probably 2008